Dentist, specialist in Orthodontics

I obtained my Doctorate in Dental Surgery in 1997. Passionate about orthodontics I obtained my specialization in orthodontics in 2008. I have been working at Ardentis since 2009, in the clinics of Vevey and Cossonay.

2019: Swiss Federal Diploma – Dental Surgeon
2008: CECSMO (Certificate in Clinical Specialities) in Orthodontics, Lyon, France.
1997: Doctorate in Dental Surgery, Syria.

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Orthodontists but not only...

What motivated you to do orthodontics?

My passion for this discipline that reunites art, medicin, precision and harmony.

One word in your opinion that sums up orthodontics?


Your favorite place in Switzerland?

The edge of Lake Geneva, the terraces in Lausanne and the Lavaux hiking trails.

What are your pasions outside of work?

Sculpture, the mountains and lakes. As well as handball and squash.